Monday, 23 March 2020

This is my report about Covid-19

  OR [COVID-19]
    Image result for covid 19Image result for covid 19
What is coronavirus?
Coronavirus started in Wuhan. It infected people around the globe. It can be seen under the microscope. It looks like tiny crowns. This virus has never been seen before for us humans. Thousands of people around the world died from this virus. Scientists are warning us or telling us to be careful.

 This virus affects our body. One symptom is coughing.
The respiratory system can help your lungs breathe.
This disease affects people from person to person.
Sneezing is another way to pass it easily person to person. This virus is contagious, if you are feeling sick go to the doctor or the hospital.

How does it affect us?
One way is touching people, for example shaking hands and hongi. Around the world they closed restaurants, schools and sporting events. This virus affects people by traveling through airports, trains, and cruise ships.

Image result for transportImage result for covid 19 lockdown

What are people doing about it?
[WHO] World Health Organization is closing major events such as sports, public gatherings of over 100 people.
Scientists are observing and examining  everything. 
People are hoping the virus will stop and there will be a vaccine and a cure from WHO or CDC Center for Disease of control and prevention.Image result for vaccine covid 19

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